June Favourites

Monday 30 June 2014

Here's a roundup of some of my favourite fashion and beauty related things this last month.

Denim blue shirts are always a must have. I got this shirt just recently and i absolutely adore it. 

Probably one of my favourite watches ever purchased. The rose gold tone is a wonderful contrast to the the white strap and makes it easy to dress up for any occasion.

My skin is dry, combination, oily and plain awful. 
This moisturizer works well in hydrating and leaves the skin soft and dewy.

I know, I know, late on the bandwagon here aren't I?
Possibly every beauty guru on the internet has raved and sung the praises of this mascara and it's no less than lovely.

The Maybelline pore eraser works as a lovely drugstore substitute for the Benefit Porefessional. It does a good job mattifying the skin and helps your make up stay on for a little longer.

I've been set on Mac blushes for ages, so when I saw this in the other day, it was a welcome addition. The color leaves a really lovely shimmery texture on bronzed complexions.


  1. I really want to try the Tarte Lights Camera Lashes Mascara, so great timing for this post! I really like your blog and your style! Come visit me as well at http://melissygoose.blogspot.com/ Thanks for letting me read!

  2. I keep hearing about the Maybelline Pore Eraser! REALLY need to get off my arse and down to Boots so I can give it a try XD

    Elesaurus | elesaurusrawr.blogspot.com
    YouTube - Eleanor Rose

  3. I am obsessed with blue denim shirts this summer also...it will definitely carry through to winter so it is a very worthwhile purchase! Do you prefer Benefit Porefessional to Maybelline or would you say they work similarly?


    1. Both products are quite similar, apart from the consistency. But for the price I'd recommend the Maybelline pore eraser x




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