An Introduction: Hello

Wednesday 4 December 2013

This is going to be a bit awkward, isn't it? I'd like to think beginnings always are.

The last 10 months or so have been hectic and completely unexpected. Granted, a few risks were taken and a lot of hard graft has made it impossible to believe I survived the year. 

I'd sum it up with a blog post, but it wouldn't do the whole process justice. To be honest, I can hardly remember half of the things I've done, much less the words I've said, yet questions of 'What if' popped up ever so frequently I'd much rather not go into detail with it. 
Perhaps a little more messes were made and my ever so frequent embarrassing mishaps meant I'd much rather stay home than attend to daily routines. But everything's a Work in Progress, including myself unfortunately. Nonetheless, I'm thankful for the opportunities I've had, but I'm so glad that's over and done with.

Whilst I've been busy studying, in the process, I've somehow lost touch with a number of old friends and I haven't been reading as much as I should - God knows how many books I've left unfinished. Scrolling through my phone seemed much easier (not to mention less time-consuming) and tumblr - always a distraction. My links are all over the blog, if you fancy giving me a follow there.

Here is what I've been up to and a little ramble thrown in for good measure.


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